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Showing posts from October, 2022

Group Hails BARR. AHMED WAZIRI on the Occasion of his Birthday describes him as Political Gladiator and a Legal Cannibal

Etsako Solidarity Movement for Anamero Danco, ETSAKO CENTRAL CHAPTER felicitate with BARR AHMED WAZIRI (Incoming HOA Member Etsako Central Constituency) on his Birthday  The Secretary General of the aforementioned Union COMRD. MUH'D A.TENIMU (GCNS) on behalf of the entire Union rejoices with BARR. AHMED WAZIRI (APC Candidate for HOA Etsako Central Constituency) Consedering him as "an experienced Learned Cannibal who will join other Progressive entitles to build the Constituency where Hunger, Poverty, Kidnapping and other social-economic ills will eradicate and bring goodies, infrastructure, development and welfare to the good People of Etsako Central". He stated. We pray that the good Lord (Allah) shall grant him good health, Long life and Prosperity on his new age.  While CONGRATULATING him be rest assured of our Prayers, Support for your aspiration and accept our Highest regards! May you have a tremendous Birthday today! Signed: CHIEF DENNIS OSIKHENA  (Etsak

Students Progressive party (SPP) Felicitate with SEN. SHEHU SANI (SPP National Patron) on the Occasion of his Birthday described him as Human's Integrity

The National Patron of Students Progressive Party (SPP) Distinguished Sen. Shehu Sani is an author, Playwright and a Human Rights Activist. He earned an Associate degree in Agricultural engineering. He's the President of the Civil Rights Congress of Nigeria (CRCN), The Chairman of Hand-in-Hand, Africa. He was a Leading Force in the Struggle for the restoration of Democracy in Nigeria. The former Senator Representing Kaduna Central Senatorial District,  In the Occasion of your Birthday, We pray God grant you long life and Prosperity to continue speaking the mind of Nigerians, Which makes the National President of SPP, COMRD. MUH'D A.TENIMU (GCNS) and the entire registered Members of SPP across the globe Super Proud of you sir! Accept our wishes and be rest assured of our Prayers! HAPPY MEMORABLE BIRTHDAY DISTINGUISHED SENATOR SIR! Signed: National Working Committee NWC of the Students Progressive party SPP

APC STUDENTS SUPPORT GROUPS (APC SSG)KOGI STATE CHAPTER held it's first State Executive Council meeting today

The Newly Appointed Executive Council of APC SSG KOGI CHAPTER held her first meeting today to discuss the way forward of the Group.  The State Coordinator Comrade Omoniyi Alice give her remarks by glorifying god for bringing us together and for make it possible for us to come from different part of the state. She congratulated all the newly state Executives on their appointment, she further charge all the executives to discharge their duties in accordance for the progress of the Party and kogi students.  During the meeting in progress, the National Coordinator APC SSG  Comrade prince Bala Musa Eleojo Visit the group to also his contribution and support towards the progress of the group in the state.  The National Coordinator said as a chapter in the state we should all put our hands on desk to work tirelessly towards the victory of all our candidates for top to bottom in the coming general Election 2023. After every suggestion and contribution, the Executive concludes to Ap

SPP National President rejoices with Nigerians on 62nd INDEPENDENCE Anniversary

INDEPENDENCE, NIGERIA @62 The National Director of Media and Publicity COMRD. ENAPE SUNDAY reported the key points messages from The President, were he mentioned: "Let's keep the memories of all the people who sacrifice their lives for our country Alive, take some time to value our nation and never forget their Sacrifices" FREEDOM in the mind, STREGNT in the words, PRIDE in our souls, ZEAL in our hearts, LET'S SALUTE our great Country on INDEPENDENCE day. Signed: COMRD. MUH'D A.TENIMU (GCNS) Revolutionary National President, Students Progressive party SPP


Nigeria as a nation-state has passed through alot of challenges from time immemorial, to this current time, and we have Succeed in overcoming those challenges, and have stood strong and firm as a people, with one desire for unity and progress. The First female Chairperson, also assures everyone that better days are coming and we should never think of Giving up.. On this day, I wish to celebrate every good CITIZEN of Nigeria, for his or her positive Contributions towards the betterment of NIGERIA, I want to tell you all that We must never give up on Nigeria, as Roma was not built in Day, it took gradual process of pain, sorrows, agony and uncertainties says Comr miss Alice O Finally, She call on all the students of NIGERIA to Always stand for the unity, Process, growth, development and peace of NIGERIA, as the Nation sees the students as future Leaders of tomorrow and we must never disappoint them at any pgoint or the other. Let's embrace Peace, unity and tolerance, for