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Students Progressive party (SPP)
Motto: Progressive Students never walk alone


The meeting started at about 09:07 PM which ended at about  11:12PM

On behalf of  COMRD. MARYAM UMAR BIRMAH (National Director of Genders, SPP) Opening Prayers was said by the following persons; COMRD. ABDULKADIR RABIU (SPP, Kastina state Sec. Gen.) , COMRD. ATOKOMA PATIENCE(SPP, Kogi state Coordinator)_And Then COMRD. IDOWU FIYINFOLUWA KEMISOLA(SPP, Oyo state Sec. Gen.)

_Introduction was said by every Members that was present in the Meeting for about 10 to 15 Minutes

Welcome Speech was said by AMB. COMRD. ALIKALI AFEBU FESTUS (National Sec. Gen. SPP) which he started as thus; Mr. president, Honourable Executives here present and those in absential, Distinguished State coordinators, and off course Ladies and Gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure indeed to welcome you all to 
this wonderfully planned meeting.
I would
like to extend a special welcome to our President for his Selflessness  in all matters. It is my sincere hope that we shall be seeing more of youth engaging in such an honest manner.
It is thus both an honour and a pleasure for  SPP having a combined meeting of this great magnitude.
once again you all welcome. 
Mr. President and every executive member, I want tell you that growth in membership is not only an achievement in its own
right but also an indication of the dynamism of an organisation.

A lot was said by the Members, some suggested we use "Twitter space" with their solid reasons, While some suggested using "Zoom" with reasonable reasons, Some likewise suggested "Google meet" and lot more.

However, The National President gave some explanation for us to choose a Media that will be easy for every Member to access in terms of data consumption, accommodative capacity, Easy accessibility, and lots More considerations. 

After much deliberation by Members without conclusion, SPP, National Secretary General set up a vote which everyone supported the idea, and the Majority finalize on using "Google meet" which was Unanimously agreed on. (GOOGLE MEET)

It was also agreed upon to make it daytime on weekends which was slatted to hold on;
Date: 13 August, 2022
Time: 4 PM Prompt
Mr. President gave a report that he Informed COMRD. SHETTIMA UMARfrom Borno state to be the Guess Lecturer which he Agreed and welcome, However, *Mr. President* also gave an opportunity for the Southern Coordinators to Provide one More gallant, Sound speaker from the southern Nigeria to be among the Speakers of the day!

Mr. President make it known to all Members that SPP collective interest is to Protect and safeguard the interests of Nigerian Students, which the NLC Planned Protest is among the interest of Nigerian Students we're to Protect, He also made it cleared to every Members to uphold on their identity (ID card) as to show an ambassador of SPP.  National President
made it cleared that he will join to Mobilize the Protest in FCT, Abuja And implore the National  Executives Council NEC and SPP State Coordinators to make an effective plans and Mobilise to make sure they partake in the Protest in respect of their state as we must attain victorious in our Struggle. 
This is among our basic aim of being among SPP Executives. 
He also called on SPP state executives and Members to always give a massive support to their Coordinators and other SPP stakeholders.
Likewise urge the Workaholic state Coordinators never to relent in the Struggle in regards of setting up their state Executives and make sure they're all effective in regards of their offices.

An Advice was said by ROTR. SEN. OSITA GODFREY (SPP, Chairman CPC) which he started by giving gratitude to SPP National President and all the Members for giving him the opportunity to speak.
He started by Addressing everyone in the house as Comrades, which makes us Upcoming Politicians, which He want us to understand what Politics is all about.
Politics isn't a do or die affairs, is more of a game and not a dirty game just like people do say. Politics is more of Showing interest for a Particular office which those Aspiring for position makes Promises that will makes people to vote them in. We have to show sincerity by fulfilling the Promises made while Aspiring for positions. We should change the ideology of 'Politics is a dirty game' as a Young upcoming Politicians.
Change begin from me and you, as a Comrade you're not supposed to partake in Frauds and unwanted inhuman behaviours which will definitely affect your personality as a Comrade. (He said)

Secondly; He emphasise of Alignment and realignment in Politics; where an aspirant can  Align with another aspirant to step down and work together to achieve a common goal. And when you notice someone has a Capacity more than you as a Politician, it's better you agreed with Alignment and work with sincerity.
He also mentioned that no permanent friend and no Permanent enemy in Politics as for that you have to be very careful when dealing with other Politicians because when your interest is differ from your friend's interest, automatically he change to your opponent where he will do everything to bring you down Politically and start linking your secrets. He also advice not tempt with linking friends secrets no matter the changes on our interest. (He said)

Above all, We should understand that Politics isn't a business, engage yourself with something profitable like business and farming, so you can take Politics as supplementary, so you won't be so desperate to loot public funds when you enter any political office. (He said)

Finally; He pronounced that SPP has a common interest as to achieve in the nearest future, we should try to be active and deliver our offices and make sure we Protect the image of SPP as not given a chance for any Politician to use us negatively. We shouldn't temper with anything that will bring corruption or bad name to SPP at large. 
We shouldn't leave the Struggle for only *National President*, with our different capacities we can Promote and Preach SPP in our various Institutions, With that Sky will be our starting point. (He ended the advice)

The *National Sec. Gen.called on SEN. BASIL AKENZUA(Edo state Coordinator)to give a closing remark.
He started by greeting the Mr. Presidentspecially for his determination and selfless service to SPP and Nigeria at large, and all the NEC Members down to state Coordinators and State Secretaries. He Pleaded with every Members to keep the evangelism of this noble association SPP to be kept on a steady match and emphasizes on the Mission of SPP in every Institutions in Nigeria. Because SPP Members are well experienced Members who has performed very well as Comrades in their various association and Campuses such as SUG Presidents, State presidents, Vice Presidents, Senators, Member of the Students Council, Reps and Honourable members E.T.C
When our efforts are put together, and work cooperatively with their respective State Coordinators we can achieve the set objectives of this great association. 
Finally: He appreciated SEN. OSITA(SPP, CPC Chairman ) for his wise given speech and he sincerely grab a lot of point from his speech and pray God Almighty grant us the wisdom to continue to demonstrate all he said in our future political endeavours.

A report was given by COMRD. RABIU ISA ZEKERIYA (SPP Kano state  Sec. Gen.)_appreciated the National President and highly delighted to be part of the meeting and promised to ensure Kano State SPP effectiveness by implementing the aims and objectives, also appreciated SEN. OSITA(SPP, CPC Chairman )_ for his wise and experienced advice. 

The meeting come to an end at about  11:12 PM


(SPP, National Secretary General)

National Executive Council (SPP NEC)
National Working Committee (SPP NWC)
SPP State Coordinators 
SPP State Secretaries.


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