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The Leadership of Student Progressive Party heartily facilitate with fellow Nigerians on the Occasion of this year's Democracy Day.


Students Progressive party (SPP)
Motto: Progressive Students never walk alone
PRESS RELEASED (12-06-2022)

The Leadership of Student Progressive Party heartily facilitate with fellow Nigerians on the Occasion of this year's Democracy Day.
This is the fourth time that Nigerians are celebrating the day on June 12 since President Muhammadu Buhari made the change from May 29.

It represents a milestone in our Journey to entrench a democratic polity, as on that day 29 year's ago, Nigerians rose above primordial sentiments and Proclaimed the oneness of their Nation and the Unity of the People. They also proclaimed their preference for a democratic system that offers them good governance, freedom and life more abundant.
The statement of that day propelled us into the longest period of democracy in our nation's history. 
However, as we all know, democracy is a process that required popular participation, tolerance of the views and right of others and the spirit of sportsmanship for its sustenance. 
As we match on in our democratic journey, we should always remember the tenets and rules of the game, respect the right of others, and faithfully discharge our civic responsibilities as important stakeholders in a nation building project. In our efforts to build a better nation, let be confident in our ability to turn things around for the good of all of us.
Our goal should be to build oir nation with the bricks equity, Fairness, Justice and spirit of Progress, so that it can withstand challenges as they may come.

The Students Progressive party (SPP) will always be alive to its duties as to Project, Protect and safeguard the interests of Progressive Students across the Nation.
We also use this golden opportunity to call on the Federal government to give Nigerian Students their rights on Education as stated in the Constitution.

Once again, Happy Democracy Day to Nigerians 🇳🇬 

_(Media & Pub. Sec.)

(National Sec. Gen.)

(National President)


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