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Showing posts from May, 2023

AMMBAN Lokoja Chapter Holds General Meeting and Inaugurates Local Government Executive and Zonal Coordinators

In a significant step towards enhancing financial inclusion in Nigeria, the Association of Mobile Money and Bank Agents in Nigeria (AMMBAN) Lokoja Chapter recently convened a general meeting and inaugurated its local government executive and zonal coordinators. The event served as a platform to discuss the association's history, benefits, challenges, and potential solutions. Additionally, the meeting addressed concerns over pricing regulations and highlighted the importance of collaboration with security agencies for the safety of AMMBAN members. Welcoming the Members: The meeting commenced with Mr. Joseph Sunday, the local government coordinator, extending a warm welcome to all the members present. He provided a brief overview of AMMBAN, shedding light on its mission, vision, and the role it plays in promoting financial services across the region. Benefits of AMMBAN: During the gathering, the participants were enlightened about the n


It has come to the attention of the Coalition of Civil Society Groups the news by Bloomberg Reporters alleging Mr. Seyi Tinubu, the son of Nigeria President Elect, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu of purchasing a fraudulent property worth $11Milion from former Minister Diezeni Ally, Mr Aluko.  We wish to conveniently say without an iota of compromise, that the news is not only false but malicious and an attempt to defame the personality of Mr Seyi Tinubu by those that still find it difficult to accept the outcome of 2023 general election. While it is laughable to read such an attention seeking news, it is important to note that report of this nature is geared towards inciting the general populace against the incoming first family of federal republic of Nigeria, suffice to say that this blackmailing news like previous ones will not stand the test of time. Fake and blackmailing news are the jobs of the feeble and the weak; these very set of bad losers have tried several ways to blackmail