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Live update: Donald Trump’s Inauguration Invitation Card + Full Timetable Of Events

Donald Trump will be sworn in as US President on Friday, bringing to an end Barack Obama's eightyears tenure in office, as his inaugural invitation surfaces online.Donald Trump and his family On January 20 (January 21 AEDT), Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States of America as the billionaire businessman will officially take his oath of office in a Presidential Inauguration which has a long
history dating right back to the United States' first president, George Washington. When is everything happening? Here's what time you can expect everything to happen on Inauguration Day. Some of the exact
times have yet to be officially finalised, so treat these as a rough guide. Saturday, 1:00am AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)
The President-elect attends a morning worship service.
Saturday, 1:30am AEDT The Inaugural Swearing-in Ceremony begins. The crowd will be entertained by performers until the
President-elect arrives. Saturday, 2:30am AEDT President-elect Trump heads to the White House
for a meeting with soon-to-be former President Barack Obama. From there, they head to the
swearing-in ceremony at the US Capitol together. Saturday, 3:45am AEDT Incoming vice-president Mike Pence takes his oath of office first.
Saturday, 4:00am AEDT At noon (local time), the term of the new
administration officially begins. Mr Trump will step up and take the oath of office, administered by the Chief Justice of the United States, John
Roberts. It reads: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the
United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." From this point onwards, we're in the term of President Trump.
Saturday, 4:10am AEDT President Trump will step up to the lectern to
deliver his Inaugural Address. Both of Barack Obama's inaugural addresses ran for about 20
minutes each. Saturday, 5:00am AEDT After the conclusion of the inaugural ceremony, it's time to farewell Barack Obama and Vice-
President Joe Biden (as well as their families). They'll be escorted out by the new President andVicePresident. Since the '70s, the former president and first lady have left the Capitolgrounds by a helicopter, if weather permits. Saturday, 5:30am AEDT It's time to have a break and grab something to eat.
The Inaugural Luncheon is organised by the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural
Ceremonies and normally features food from the states of the new President and Vice-President (that's New York and Indiana for those playing along at home).
Saturday, 6:30am AEDT
After lunch, President Trump and Vice-President Pence lead the Inaugural Parade along Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House. Members of the public will line the street, so expect plenty of well wishers and protesters as well.
The Inaugural Committee has announced there will be more than 8,000 participants marching in
this year's parade.
Saturday, 11:00am AEDT The day finishes with Inaugural Balls held across Washington. Trump has announced he'll attend two official balls on the night.


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